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2016 Detached:
Big Picture

A steady climb They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Yet, numbers sometimes describe better than pictures. The price for a Central Toronto detached house grew from $1.2 million to $1.6 million in just 2 years. That’s $200,000 a year. Numbers don’t lie.

The value of land Most detached dwellings in Central Toronto are worth less money than the land they occupy. For many properties, the physical dwellings and improvements actually depreciate slowly in value, while the land appreciates rapidly. No more vacant land remains in Central Toronto and no more land can be added: it is very precious.


An Invitation

Have you ever wondered what makes one agent different from another?

I invite you to call me. When we meet, you will immediately realize why so many other intelligent buyers and sellers have selected me to bring them extraordinary results. The moment you contact me, your ideal real estate experience will begin.

My Approach
Boris Kholodov Picture BORIS KHOLODOV
Real Estate Broker